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WankCoin Up Take Sets Very Swift Pace With Massive Acceptance



June 12, 2018

Just how quickly is the WankCoin universe expanding? In the 48 hours after announce a new Telegram group for the original adult cryptocurrency, the app-based community added more than 75,000 new members to the discussion. That is the newest wave of adopters in what has quickly become more than 80,000 WankCoin holders from 57 verified countries around the globe.

“For the adult industry specifically, having WankCoin accepted by more

than 100 sites is definitely causing many consumers to see it as a viable alternative to credit cards or PayPal payments” explained Bradley Phillips, Head of Business Development for the four year old currency. “On the B2B side, we are hearing from many major merchants and will be announcing additional partnerships with other

online networks in the near future.”

Within the WANKCOIN wallet anyone can transfer coins to any other user for free. That adds another layer of adoption by making it the simplest, fastest and only absolutely free form of P2P payment within Adult. “PayPal doesn't offer free P2P transfers, and their in-again out-again approach to what they call high-risk processing isn’t something business owners are willing to rely on fully,” added Mr. Phillips. “That’s why WankCoin has been able to make so many inroads toward other verticals, with a large fantasy sports site and several others in the early phases of inclusion. We tokenized our ecosystem and opened up the power of WankCoin for all forward thinking business owners and security conscious customers.”

When it comes to anonymous, secure, reliable, fast and free forms of payment, only WankCoin has a four-year track record working within the adult online ecosystem and a team that offers more than century of combined experience within the industry itself. To learn more and begin capitalizing on the rapid growth of this unique cryptocurrency visit www.WankCoin.comtoday.